"There was an invitation folded neatly in my door. No one buzzed the bell or knocked on the door.They Just stuck it in the screen door and moved on... The convention is 2 hrs away." -- Toshibabadu
Covering the territory, reaching as many potential attenders as possible.
I remember dear Sister Kraker, an anointed sister at Brooklyn Bethel, wife of equally diminutive but robust Simon, also of the anointed remnant. They were both devoted and enthusiastic Witnesses. Sister K. worked in the subscription department. She held up a yellow Awake! subscription blank and told me that little piece of paper represented the possibility, the hope of someone's coming into THE TRUTH.
She was so sincere; I, too, felt that the smallest gesture -- naming Jehovah's name, giving out a handbill to a stranger, inviting someone to the KH -- would produce monumental results.
Certainly, there were results . . .